A siren calls to the west, a long ago, echoing song.
To a sailor whose since passed by without stopping.
She's watched the ship so many times,
Until her water heart is full drowned.
This night, he stops, a lamp on the bow.
His bell rings.
He casts his nets,
But, alas, they are frayed from the crags,
And siren slips away.
To a sailor whose since passed by without stopping.
She's watched the ship so many times,
Until her water heart is full drowned.
This night, he stops, a lamp on the bow.
His bell rings.
He casts his nets,
But, alas, they are frayed from the crags,
And siren slips away.
But that song. Surely he'll venture closer.
Maybe her voice is a little "off"; she's not getting any younger.
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