Tuesday, September 20, 2005

The Importance of Truth

One of the things I've learned from all my failed relationships is this: Be absolutely honest right up front and no exceptions. Share everything from frustrations to weird thoughts to lovely ones. Share your views and your moral beliefs, your religious beliefs and everything else. Because, sooner or later, something will happen. Either your significant other is going to find out the truth and not like it and be upset that you didn't share. Or they won't find out and you will feel compelled to hold it from them, and you will never feel like you are in a complete relationship. You will have an insecurity with that person, and most likely you will find someone else to share those things with and you'll be spreading yourself all over the board and that's just no good. Your significant other is supposed to be your rock and vise versa. How can you know in your heart that someone loves you and accepts you for who you are if they haven't been given a fair opportunity to do so? Hmmm? If it is something you don't want to share because you really don't like that part of yourself, do you think that part is going to go away if you keep it locked up in your mind? No! But, you can possibly say to someone that you are pretty sure loves you, "I'm going to tell you something about myself that I'm really not proud of (or that may sound off-the-wall or not be acceptable to the majority crowd), because I wan't to know that you can accept me as I am." If you don't do this, eventually, you will stray and your loyalties will be divided and that will cause you more insecurity. I guess the first rule of thumb is to be true to yourself. If you have conviction, it really shouldn't matter what others think, anyway. You may be pleasantly surprised when they start sharing, too. You just never know, your partner may also have a hidden fetish or fantasy that you can relate to. There are no secrets. There are only facts. Facts are true. The truth always wins, whether it works for you or not.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Corny Butt Hay

Of early citizens’ morning jaunt
Who live or dead shall make no haunt.
For, today will be surely brief.
All their loneliness and tiring grief,
The wherewithal of faith shall reign
To look forward and step back again.
This, your fate creeps forward still
To soar through valleys beneath the hill,
You’ll find you’re face–to-face at last
With the One from whence you’re cast.
So, sleep in peace, and don’t worry your head
Or fret the bones beneath your bed.
Bones are dry and of the world.
They’re not the things of dreams unfurled.

Sunday, September 04, 2005


The average human being has wishes and wants. It is that human part that induces these thoughts. There are times when I am unsatisfied with my lot in life, and like many people, I despair. In retrospect, it helps me to realize I have "angels" in my life. As I grow, I find that I am more concerned with my immortal soul, and I review my situation to make mental note of my angels. What is more important than your soul's path? I can't think of a single thing - certainly not anything material. Possibly the most difficult thing for any human is to cross paths with another soul that is lost. Lost souls tend to - albeit unintentionally due to ignorance - grab you by the foot and claw their way up your body in an attempt to drag you backward. These are the tests of your soul's growth and strength. Hence, the importance of reflecting in order to find your angels and stick with them. They may not be members of your family. As a matter of fact, the family can be the tester souls that are lost and looking to a soul that has grown in order to find direction. It might seem unfair, but is probably true, that that is the exact reason you've been placed with those souls. Unfortunately, many of these lostlings test you by inviting you to pity, jealousy, pride, insecurity or hate parties. How easy have you found it to attend these parties and become not only a guest, but the "life of the party?" It is the easiest thing in the world for me to dive right into a party like this under the pretence of "empathy." Oh, and TV ads and magazine articles, or press of most nature is the worst for this. That business is so full of lost souls, there will never be a shortage in this age. Truly, you must be a rock. Truly you ARE a rock, you just have to realize it.

When I dispair in my relationship with my husband, one of my angels - namely "S", is always one of the first to remind me that he is my soulmate. Although, it is a shame I have to be reminded of this, it is a blessing to have an angel like "S" to do it. A brief description of "S" is warranted here: She has a light that shines bright even in her darkest moments. She is kind and giving and politely modest. She is tolerant and brilliant and connected to God more than she is aware. So, when "S" is tested, I am compelled to bring to her notice all the light around her and also all the darkness. You see, there is light and dark everywhere around us, and "S" is sometimes vulnerable to darkness. Of course, it doesn't help that darkness knocks on your door virtually each day, and sometimes it creeps into the gaps in your door and tries to crawl up your nose and enter your mind. The mind is a terrible thing at times, because it is the border between your soul and your spirit, and it can be weakened by trial. Keep in close touch with your angels and they will be there to support you and light your way through the darkness.

In my day-to-day life, as I stated above, I do find discontent with my lot. This is my human nature that has a very strong will. It is always right - at the time. My husband, another angel, and the first that I ever recognized outloud, has suffered my moods and tantrums to such a degree that, although he doesn't know it, he is also closer to God than he knows. I can say one good thing about suffering another human being; it puts you closer to God, and that is why you're here.

I began my soul search about the time I met my husband. I was fortunate that he was an angel and that I found him. From thousands of miles away we found eachother by chance, and I sensed God in him immediately. Funny, I wasn't consciously looking. Now it is my passion to follow the true path of my soul. While some of those I encounter will find me cruel, cynical, stubborn or uncaring, they will never find me false. And now, no matter who I encounter or what the circumstances are, I search and see God in them. I mourn for those I barely know, because I sense they are lost. The redemption is this: we can keep doing it until we learn all we need to know. This is the best tour I've ever taken. I feel so strong and loved when I look around me and see my angels.

Keep to the true path of your own soul, without deliberately harming anyone. It is rewarding and will be filled with suffering and lessons. To harm another is to harm the "Other" - which is to harm yourself. That is my only advice to the world. My words are inadequate. Read The Essential Edgar Cayce. Pay attention to your dreams and your visions and seek their meaning. Those are my suggestions for the day.
Peace be with you.